Because a Signature Home Inspection is the most thorough, in depth inspection available.
In depth, on site, computer generated reports, complete with photographs, (no stock check lists).
All inspections exceed the standards set by ASHI.
All inspections and reports are performed and written by owner/inspector Bob Hoaglin, Award winning contractor and nationally certified inspector
Over 35 years of experience in all phases of single family homes and multi-family residential construction.
Experienced in residential catastrophe inspection and repair.
Primary cause and origin inspector on literally hundreds of home losses from fire, lightning strikes, flood, wind, excessive snow/ice loads and vehicle/home collisions for major insurance companies.
Member of ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors).
Member of NACHI (National Association of Certified Home Inspectors).
Accreditation from the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors.
Certificate of Completion from the University of Colorado, Residential Radon Measurement Provider Course.
Certificate of Completion from the University of Colorado, Residential Radon Mitigation/Reduction Provider Course.
Certified by NEHA National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) as a radon residential measurement provider.
Certified by NEHA National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) as a Residential Radon Mitigation/Reduction Provider
Certificate of completion from Environmental Solutions Association, Methamphetamine & Clandestine Lab Inspection Course.
Certification of training for Methamphetamine Inspection & Sampling through ESA
Certificate of Completion from the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at University of Utah, LBP (Lead Based Paint) Abatement Supervisor.
Certified by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality as a LBP (Lead Based Paint) Supervisor.
Certified by Pro-Lab (Professional Laboratories) as a Mold and Air Quality test provider.
Affiliate member of the Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors.
Hoaglin Signature Home Inspection carries Errors & Omission and General Public Liability Insurances.
Serving the Wasatch Front from Salt Lake City to Logan.